In the age where the 'self' is supreme...

You might be seeking answers. You might also be hurting deep down, either because of our own mistakes or the mistakes of others. Jesus is the answer to life's deepest questions. Jesus' truth is greater than our truth and his grace is greater than our struggles or mistakes. In him, we find what we were made for.

Where we are more (dis)connected than ever...

You have access to more people, opinions and 'community' than ever before. Still... do you ever feel extremely disconnected despite this? Jesus’ spiritual revolution takes place in our lives when we choose to radically love God and each other in intentional community expressed as a chosen family. Chosen family meaning that we are both chosen by God, and each other.

Where Heaven feels so far away....

It's easy to go chasing the wind. Money, followers, status, fun, accomplishments. Nothing seems to satisfy though. Heaven still feels just as far away when we chase these things... but we were made for Heaven. That's why Jesus has called every disciple to join his mission, move in his power and share his message wherever we live, work and play. So that we can bring Heaven here.

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We use a Discovery Bible Study Process to discover for ourselves what Jesus taught, who he was and how that changes our lives for the better. Fill out this short contact form to let us know who you are and where you are in your journey and let's connect!

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